For my service this semester, I am again volunteering with Miracle League. In the winter season (January and February), they do kickball, and in the spring, they do baseball again. I have never done the kickball season before, so this has been a new experience for me. It has been really enjoyable and a highlight of my weekends so far. On my team, the Seals, there are a few players who were on my baseball team in the fall. It has been nice seeing these kids again as well as getting to know other kids who I saw on other teams or who I had never met before. One boy who was on my team in the fall remembered me, which I found really impactful. He and I had never been paired up as buddies for one of our games because he always preferred one other girl. As such, we never really interacted much, but we introduced ourselves briefly, during which he told me he really liked the song "Jack and Diane" after finding out my name was Diane. He reminded me of his love for this song when we r...